What to Expect at Your First PT Visit!

What happens in the first physical therapy visit?

Unlike many other doctor appointments, physical therapy requires exercises and motion, which deter many patients about starting their physical therapy journey. Physical therapists will create a treatment plan that gradually allows you to improve your movement, decrease the severity of your injury, and manage pain. The first appointment for any physical therapy treatment will include evaluation, diagnosis, and planning a physical therapy treatment plan.

What should I wear?

Wear clothes that you would wear to the gym: clothes that allow you to sweat, bend, lift, squat, and exercise. A physical therapist will want to see the full range of motion your body can handle to determine what the best treatment plan is. At Physiologic, our doctors recommend wearing loose-fitting comfortable clothing or exercise/athletic attire. Avoid wearing restrictive clothing, excessive jewelry, and denim jeans.

How long does an initial evaluation last?

Your first appointment will last anywhere from 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Time is divided by evaluation and treatment planning. It’s always better to come in 10-15 minutes early for your first physical therapy appointment to fill out paperwork before your session begins.

How much will the first visit cost? What about insurance?

Prices vary depending on the clinic, the condition, and insurance policies. This price will vary depending on your insurance provider and what they cover. Some patients will only have to pay a small copay or physical therapy may be fully covered. Physiologic office staff will run your benefits before your first appointment to get an estimated cost for your treatment. Our physical therapists will work with you to create a financial plan that works for you.

Do I need a referral?

The state of Texas allows for patients to see a physical therapist without a referral for the initial consultation. After the first treatment, you will have 14 days to be seen as many times as necessary. A significant number of conditions can be treated and improved within that time frame. However, if you believe you need further physical therapy treatments, our doctors can help you find a referring provider and discuss your options. Go to our website’s FAQs for more information.

Getting the most out of your first physical therapy visit

Whether you are new to physical therapy or you're getting back into treatment, your physical therapist will know how to make you feel at ease on your first visit. Our physical therapists aim to make you feel confident and well-informed about your long-term physical therapy treatment. The first visit marks the start of your recovery journey, and our doctors will guide you every step of the way.

About Physiologic Physical Therapy

At Physiologic Physical Therapy, we offer evidence-based, specialized treatment for various physiologic conditions. If you are having recurrent pain, discomfort, or issues with specific body parts, talk to your doctor about seeing a physical therapist. We help guide our patients through their physical therapy journey. Learn more about the services we provide at Physiologic Physical Therapy clinic in Aledo, TX. 


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